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^[[ [R 57 ENCL] ]]

By This Indenture made the 13^th day of March one Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Seven, between "The Wilmington Library Association" of the City of Wilmington and State of North Carolina of the First part, and Allan Rutherford, Superintendent of the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for the Southern District of North Carolina; on the part of the United States; of the Second Part


That the Said party of the first part hath letter and by these presents doth grant derise [[?]] and to form [[?]] let unto the said party of the Second part, and his successors in Office, The Rooms now occupied by him as Superintendent of the Bureau of R. F. and A. L. situated in the City Hall building in the City of Wilmington North Carolina for the term of Two Years from the date hereof at the yearly rent of Three Hundred and Sixty Dollars

And the party of the Second part hereby agrees that if at any time during the Said term of Two Years, suitable Rooms can be procured by him for the use of said Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, then he is to vacate the Rooms

Transcription Notes:
derise = old legal term (Just checking -- not "devise"? ("derise" not in [Merriam-Webster Dictionary] -- Beth)