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above described, and to place the party of the first part in possession thereof, and this lease to immediately terminate. And it is further agreed and understood by and between the parties hereto: That if during the said term of Two Years, the existence of the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands should terminate by law, then this lease is to be at an end, and the party of the first part is to be placed in quiet and peaceable possession of the said Rooms, by the party of the second part or his successors in office 

In Witness Whereof the parties hereto have set their hands and Seals the day and year first above mentioned. 

Will Geo Thomas 
Prest. Wil. Libry Association. [[encircled] Seal [[/encircled]]
Allan Rutherford 
1st Lieut 44th U.S. Infantry [[encircled]] seal [[/encircled]]
Supt Bu R F. and A.L.
So. Dist N.C.

In presence of —
A. H. Walton 
Michael Carley