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R 71, 1867

Raleigh, N. C.
April 23, 1867

N 86 R F. & A. L. Vol 9. 67. 
North Carolina
Col. J. V. Bomford

Forwards comn of M N Ransom in regard to two laborers who left him in violation of contract & went to Chesterville S. C. Endorsed by Genl Scott Asst Comr. S. C. that the returning of these men by this Bureau would be arbitrary & contrary to the Gov^t of a free people. Submits it for decision of the Commissioner

Gen Miles endorses 
Gen. Scott — 

[[stamp]] BUREAU R F. & A L * WASHINGTON * REC'D APR 25 
1867 [[/stamp]]

[[atop stamp]] 5358 


War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c.,
Washington, May 3. 1867.

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Maj. Genl Nelson, A Miles, Ass't
Commissioner for North Carolina.

The Commissioner approves entirely of the endorsement of Bvt. Maj. Genl Scott on the enclosed papers. 

By order of 
Major General Howard, 
A. P. Ketchum 
Bvt Lieut Colonel &
Act. Asst Adjt Genl.

