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sentence to receive twenty five lashes, and to pay the costs of Court, amounting to $47.43: At his earnest solicitation Mr D S Russell made a Contract for labor with said Murray, by which Mr Russell assumed The payment of said fine of $47.43 in consideration of Murray's agreement to labor for him for one year from the 8^th of January last; Murray was to receive $13- per Month for his labor, as follows, $7- per Month to be paid to Murray and $6- per Month to be paid to the Sheriff in liquidation of the fine: The agreement was highly favorable to Murray.  Murray went to Mr Russells Plantation in Brunswick County to labor; he remained there about Two Months when he left without cause; he then came to this office and undertook to excuse himself for violating his agreement with Mr Russell; he was very impudent at the time; he saw Lieu't Echelberry, and at his request Lieu't Echelberry wrote the letter to Mr Russell about which this complaint is made: he also told him that as he had made an Agreement with Mr Russell it was his duty to return and fulfill it, and that he should have thought of the consequences before he became a thief. The brazen impudence of this man Murray, (who acknowledged