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[R 96 ENCL] 

[[stamp with image of building]]

State of North Carolina } 
County of New Hanover } S. S. 

William Moore being duly sworn doth depose and say; That about the 6th day of May last one Solomon Nash told him that a colored man had said to him, Nash, that he had called at the Office of the Freedom Bureau in the City Hall at Wilmington, for advice as to paying his taxes, and that an officer their had charged him one dollar therefore and that he had paid the money, and this deposant further says that he went to the Office of Captain Rutherford the Superintendent of the Bureau for the Southern District and stated the case to him, privately, that said Captain Rutherford, directed him to find the man who said he had paid the money and bring him before him, and in the meantime not to 
mention the subject to anyone, in order that it might be 
investigated. That he then went to Soloman Nash, who had told him the story, and that the said Nash subsequently informed him
that he had after much trouble induced