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Raleigh - June 12" - 1867-

Gen'l Miles, 

Dear Sir,
I hope you will pardon my seeming pertinacity in regard to this matter of "transportation." Mr. Scarlet seems to think he has no power to issue the orders, by the Northern route, except under special directions. The printed regulations, say "by the shortest practicable routes." The Northern route is "shortest" in point of time, and is decidedly the most "practicable." The printed regulations go on further to say--"where there are two competing routes, an equitable decision shall be made between them, where the time & distance are the same." (I recite from memory, having just read them in the Quarter Master's office.-) In this case, there are two "competing routes." I prefer the Northern as most "practicable." The Northern is shortest in point of "time"--the Southern is shortest in point of "distance." The expense is the