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same. These men will not go unless under my care & protection. In fact they would never reach Memphis if they were to start by themselves. I know something of the trouble of getting freed people through the Southern route. There are a set of wretches, regular brokers in the business, who watch the train, at Atlanta, Augusta, Levonville, & other towns, who, by lying & deception, seduce these poor ignorant creatures, away from their real friends by promise of enormous wages, and then hire them out to the next man that may come along, perhaps to be again seduced off, by some comrade in the business at the very next station. You have no idea what an evil this is. It is one which calls loudly for a remedy by the Bureau. I have known many instances of men starting with 50 or 60 freedmen & not having more than 8 or 10 when reaching their point of destination. These people who are going with me, have confidence in me. They would