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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Washington N.C. Feb 20, 1868.

I have the honor to enquire what my district consists of, what returns & reports I am required to make, and to whom I am to report. Also here I am to obtain Stationery & fuel, whether by requisition or purchase.
Col. Moore has invoiced three (3) blank books to me, being all the property and papers belonging to this office.
I would also suggest that a horse would be very useful to the Bureau in this Sub. Dist. and I would respectfully ask if forage would be allowed me should I furnish my own horse.
I am Col., Very Respectfully, 
Your Obb. Servant,
Isaac A. Rosekrans 

Col. Jacob F. Chur
A. A. A. Genl
Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Raleigh, N.C.