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Charlotte N C^a
July 16^th 1867

Bvt Lt Col. J. F Chur
A. A. A. G.

I have the honor to be in receipt of your Endorsement to my Application for information as to the jurisdiction of Officers assigned to my Sub District.- Circular No. "120" has never been received at this Office nor had I an idea of its Existence. And I deny that there is any foundation for your Statement. that I had "undoubtedly" received it judging from my Correspondence."  On the Contrary my Correspondence in relation to Capt Curran, ought to have shown you, that I knew nothing about his assignment to Stanley County as well as Concord, under S O No 84"- I deny that the Communication referred to shows an  indifference to instructions from your Head Quarters. or a gross neglect of duty - or that it Corroborates any Statements that may have reached your Head Qrs to that effect regarding me.- On the Contrary if
