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Headquarters Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau R., F. and A. L., North Carolina, 
Raleigh, N. C., September 13", 1867.

Respectfully referred to Oscar Eastmond, Esq. Agent Bureau R. F & A. L. (thro Bvt. Major H. D. Norton . Sub Asst Com.) for information as to whether the publishing of this Circular was ordered by him, there being no authority for so doing.

By order of
Col & Bvt. Maj. Gen. N. A Miles 
Asst Commissioner
Jacob F. Chur 
Bvt. Lieut Col
A. A. A. G.

B. R. F. & A. L., H'd Qrs. S. A. C.,
Morganton, N. C., Sept. 20, 1867.

Respectfully transmitted,
Hannibal D. Norton.
Bt Maj. U. S. V.,  S. A. C.

E. B. p. 11

Bureau of R. F. and A. L.
Sub. Div. of Asheville
Asheville Sept. 24" 67

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Lt. Col. Jacob. F. Chur A. A. A. G. with enclosed copy of Cir. No. 13 which was furnished the editor of the Asheville News for publication, as endorsed on the circular.

Oscar Eastmond 
Agent. Bu. R. F. and A. L.

Bureau of R. F. & A. L.
H'd Qrs. Sub Ass't Com'r,
Morganton, N. C., Sept. 27. 1867.

Respectfully returned. It appears that the Editor of the "Asheville News" does not understand the difference between an "order to advertise" and "furnished for publication." I sent the enclosed circular to the editors of the "Asheville News" and "Hendersonville Pioneer" endorsed "Copy furnished for publication." No other word was sent. It was left to their own option, to publish it, or not, as they deemed proper. While at Charlotte and Goldsboro', I often sent circulars and order to the editors of papers for publication, but have never ordered them to advertise anything.

Hannibal D. Norton
Capt V. R. C. & Bt Maj. U. S .V.
Sub Ass't Com'r,

E. B. p. 11