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News and Farmer Office
Asheville, Sept 5, 1867
Freedman's Bureau, Raleigh.

1867 To R. W. Stokes 
July 18 To Advertising Circular No 13. 609. 21 $9.00

[[clipped newspaper article attached to page]]

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Hd'qrs Asst. Com. State of North Carolina, 
Raleigh, N.C., July 1, 1867.
Circular, No. 13.

In view of the new relations now being inaugurated for the development and elevation of the colored people, and the necessity of good advice and aid which a people long accustomed to the advantages and privileges of a free nation should extend to those who are entering a new sphere of life, it is considered the duty of those whose official positions bring them in contact with this class to render such assistance in the work now going on, and endeavor, by all possible means, to encourage, counsel and help in the preliminaries incident to the enfranchisement of the colored people.

The Officers and Agents of the Bureau in this State are reminded that it is made an important part of their work to inform all freed people of their rights and privileges conferred upon them by the Government, prominent among which is their right of suffrage.

It is of great importance that all should be duly informed of this right, and the importance of its exercise. They should be taught the necessity of a prompt and thorough registration, and be assured that they will be protected and every facility offered to carry out the intention of the laws.

To this end Officers and Agents will use their best efforts to thwart designing persons in any attempt to impede registration; to prevent both intimidations or promises in any and every guise. It is known that threats of violence and gross misrepresentations have been used in order to deceive these people, and all such cases coming under their notice as in any way tending to interfere or impede the operations of the law will be at once reported to these Head Quarters.

Officers and others charged with these duties will exercise great caution in carrying out these instructions, taking care that their advice be tempered with judgment and impartiality. Every encouragement will be given to foster industry, particularly at this season, when so much depends upon a proper care of crops.

These direttions, to those whose duty it is to see that all rights guaranteed by the Government are properly enforced, must commend themselves to each and every person interested in the general welfare and progress of all classes, and it is hoped that they may meet with an approval which will greatly facilitate the future welfare of the citizens of the State. 

By command of Col. NELSON A. MILES,
Brvt. Maj. Gen., Asst. Commissioner.
Brvt. Lieut. Col., A.A.A. Gen.
July 11,'67.     328    tf .