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-iving his family of bread itself

This case was examined by Mr M^cFarland Bureau Agent from Rockingham N. C. by an order from your Head Quarters and we made all the proofs clear to him by testimony of the highest character that Harry Butler is not the father of the bastard child as found by the jury in the case in the Superior Court of Law for this County.

If the case has been disposed of by you we have received no orders in relation to it and we are awaiting with great anxiety your determination of the matter 

I have the honor to be very respectfully your obedient servant

[[signature]] BF Simmons [[/signature]]
Atty for Defendant
Harry Butler Colored

[[following text placed to the left of a curved close bracket next to "Atty for Defendant Harry Butler Colored"]]

To Brev Brig Gen Nelson A. Miles
Raleigh N. C.

[[vertical text]] S 95 NC 67 [[/vertical text]]