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[[preprinted]] Headquarters Second Military District,
Charleston, S. C., ^[[16^th November]] 1867.[[/preprinted]] 

Bv^t Major Gen^l N. A. Miles
Ass^t Comm^r B. R. F & A L
Raleigh N.C

        Your letter of the 11^th Nov inst applying for the assignments of Lieut. A. Geddes to duty with you as Inspector B. R. F & A. L, N. C. is received.

I am instructed by the Commanding General to inform you that this Officer is not available for assignment to that duty. 

Very Rispy
Your Obt. Sev^t
[[signature]] Louis V. Caziarc [[/signature]]
A. D. C.,   A. A. A. G.


Transcription Notes:
respy? short for respectful?