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Charlotte N. C.
November 30, 1867

Col J F. Chur
A.A.A. Genl.


By reference to my annual report for 1867, in your office you will see that I recommended the
Establishment of a Freedman's Savings Bank in this city.

The inquiries made at that time have ripened into an earnest desire on the part of the Freedmen to have such an institution and they are constantly asking me to procure its establishment. I could start the first week with $5,000 and get $10,000 in six months and I cannot refuse their requests further and therefore ask you to furnish me with the necessary information as to what is required to establish such an institution and what assistance the Government renders in need of rooms, furniture, safe, books &c

Soliciting your early reply
I have the honor to be
very respectfully
Your Obediant Servant
[[signature]] A.W. Shaffer [[/signature]]
State Sub Asst Comr

Transcription Notes:
- additional notes indicating writer was correcting misspellings.