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Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Office Supt East District
New Berne May 21 67

Respectfully referred to Wm H. Doherty Asst Supt for investigation and report
Stephen Moore 
Lt Col VRC Supt

E. B. p  vol 2

Bureau R. F. and A. Lands
Office Asst. Supt. Sub. Dist. E. City N. C.
Elizabeth City N. C May 28th 67.

Respectfully returned to Lieut. Col. S. Moore Superintendent Eastn Dist N. C. New Berne N. C. with the information that the cold. Girl "Jane" remains voluntarily, with Mrs Gregory, & is well treated.-  Her friends seem to be satisfied at present, and no further trouble need be apprehended on the subject.

Wm H. Doherty. Asst Supt. Bur. R. F. and A Lands

Recd E. City-NC (B. R. F. & A. L) May 27" 67

E. P. 78 & 9

note & file