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Statesville April 23" 1867.

Maj Gen Howard-

By circular No 7. June 13th 1865. Teachers of Freedmen's Schools are allowed to buy provisions of the U.S. Commissaries at Officers' prices. Though not engaged personally in teaching I am Superintendent of Freedmen's Schools in N. and S. Carolina and am interested with the work of organizations and general control. This necessarily takes me away from home a great deal & owing to the unpopularity of the work my family are unable to live comfortably on my salary, which they might do if not compelled

Transcription Notes:
From reading the document of April 23, 1867, the writer is a teacher of Freeman's Schools.The teacher is most-likely and African American. The teacher is expressing his/her's financial situation stating "my family are unable to live comfortably on my salary which they aught..." Basically He needs more money for his family.