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Bureau R. F. & A.L
Office Sub Dist. of Alamance
Graham N.C. June 10th 1867

Colonel J.F Chur
A.A.A. Genl.
Raleigh N.C.


I have the honor to report that the case of assault and battery, reported April 10th 1867 committed on Ciley Kate was not tried by the County Court last week because 
said Ciley Kate did not persecute it. Another case of assault and battery not known to me before was tried by this Court on complaint of Rebecca Nelson colored, against J.F. Sleigh of Company Shops. Rebecca Nelson stated that he struck her twice with a broom stick over the neck, when she was employed working at his house. The sister of defendant stated that she contradicted something he said to her, and the Court seemed to have regarded
it as such a provocation; that defendant was only fined
"penny and costs".

No other outrages came to my knowledge.

Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
Chas. Wolff
Capt. V.R.C Asst. Supt.