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[[underlined]]Benson[[/underlined]], Ariz.

[[underlined]] Citellus spilosoma [[/underlined]] heard

[[underlined]] Ammospermaphilus harrisi [[/underlined]]. An old miner says they are troublesome around his camp in the "Yellowstone Mts." just north of Dragoon Summit.

[[underlined]] Cittellus grammarus[[/underlined]] - Same old miner says there are gray rock squirrels there too.

[[underlined]] Thomomys [[/underlined]] hills numerous both along river flats & on mesas

[[underlined]] Lepus arizonae [[/underlined]] - common - a few seen.

[[underlined]] Lepus texianus [[/underlined]] - Not common. One seen at Fairbanks.

[[underlined]] Procyon [[/underlined]] tracks com. down river.

[[underlined]] Lynx [[/underlined]] " " "[[ditto for tracks com. down river]]

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[[underlined]]June 4[[/underlined]] - In the clear morning light I could see no trace of tall pines on the Whetstone Mts just west of Benson, tho the upper slopes are dark with low timber, evidently nut pine & juniper.  A few scrubby trees appear along the crest of "Yellowstone" Mts. just north of Dragoon summit and an old miner working in them says there is a little juniper & oak on the north slopes. The Dragoon Mts seem to have only nut pine juniper & oaks. On the crest of the southern end of the Santa Catalinas N.W. of Benson I can see tall timber that is evidently yellow pine.

The Sierra El Rincons show only scattered junipers & nut pines over their barren slopes. 

Not a Giant cactus can be seen by sweeping the mesas on all sides with the glass, nor have any been seen thus far on the trip except one in a door yard here in Benson. The nearest I can hear of is about 30 miles west of here. 

There are none of the Parkinsonias or characteristic Gila Valley plants here, but the climate seems very mild.