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[[underlined]] San Felipe Valley [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Citellus beecheyi [[/underlined]] common
[[underlined]] Citellus tereticaudus [[/underlined]], one seen.

[[underlined]] Ammospermophilus leucurus [[/underlined], common.

[[underlined]] Neotoma [[space]] [[/underlined], housed common both in rocks & in bushes & cactus

[[underlined] Lepus arizonai? [[/underlined] Cottontails are very numerous. I shot 3 & saw at least 9 dozen. They were mostly among the rocks.

[[underlined] Lepus texensis deserticola [[/underlined] , abundant. Four shot & dozens seen. Found among mesquite & creosote bushes.

[[underlined] Thomomys [[/underlined] hills are numerous

[[underlined] Microtus californicus [[/underlined] - Signs seen along creek.

[[underlined] Dipodomys agilis [[/underlined]? Holes & trails of a kangaroo rat of the size & habits of [[underlined] Agilis [[/underlined] were numerous.

[[underlined] Canis [[space]] [[/underlined] - A coyote skull was picked up.

[[underlined] Icopanus[[?]] [[space]] [[/underlined] - A mole ridge was seen at Banner in the Canyon.

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[[start page]]

[[underlined] San Filipe Valley [[/underlined]

The whole San Felipe valley below the 2600 foot contour and up to at least 3000 on hot slopes east of valley should be mapped for Lower Sonoran. Abundance of mesquite (P. glandulosa) covers the whole valley and at the eastern end below the 2400 foot contour creosote bush is abundant. Other desert Lower Sonoran shrubs are Mimosa roemeriana, Lycium andersoni? & "spalulata", Ephedra, Thamnosma, Coleogive[[?]], Atriplex polycarpa?, & canescus, Condalea? [[space]], Opuntia englemani & echinocarpa?, Cereus englemani, 3 or 4 composite shrubs & Baccharis borealis.

The lower end of the valley opens out & down onto the desert & Salton Sea.

Upper Sonoran zone comes down to the edge of the valley on the west & south. On the west it is mountain chaparral, on the south & east desert species such as Juniperus monosperma, Yucca mojavensis? Agave [[space]] (medius), mixed with the mountain species. Junipers cover the north slopes & crests


Transcription Notes:
Ammospermophilus leucurus = I think Bailey crossed out the dot above the i as he realised he made a spelling mistake.