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Artemisia californicus  abu.
Ambrosia " [[ditto for abu.]]
Bacharis "tenuifolia" " [[ditto for abu.]]
Lupinus (Shrubby blues) " [[ditto for abu.]]
Sedum edulis? " [[ditto for abu.]]
Eriogonum fasciculatum "rostratum" " [[ditto for abu.]]
Samphire? " [[ditto for abu.]]
Blue sage " [[ditto for abu.]]

[[all of above enclosed in bracket pointing to insertion at the end of the first paragraph on the next page]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

At Point Concepcion, or more markedly at Arguello Point, the surface changes to high, rocky shore & steep bluffs, and the vegetation to a dense cover of low wind beaten shrubs & plants as noted on the opposite page [[line indicating insertion]].

Big surf comes rolling in the Coast is picturesque & attractive. The air is much cooler. Farther inland to the east, up the Santa Ynez & Jesus Maria valleys I can see yellow slopes that suggest big lower Sonoran valleys, warmed up by distance & sheltering hills. But the coast strip continues, what I assume to be Upper Sonoran to where we leave the coast & follow up the river valley & beyond as far as I can see up the coast.

As soon as we get back behind the first row of hills from the coast all shrubs cease & there is only wild oats & a few scattered & rather scrubby [[underline]]Quercus agrifolia [[/underline]]. Grain & beans are the only crops until we come down into the big valley of Sta. Maria. This valley is largely open to the coast