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The hills north of the Santa Ana R. are generally low & bare of even chaparrel. Patches of Artemisia californica & Erriogonum fasciculatum cover some of the upper slopes but have little zonal significance. From Corona the higher cold slopes have a suggestion of some heavier chaparrel, but most of these hills may be considered Lower Sonoran.

The country about Corona is hotter & dryer Lower Sonoran than about Santa Ana. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, olives & pomegranite are the principal crops back to the foothills - to about 1200 feet.

In the afternoon we drove up the canyon south of Corona, up into the dense Upper Sonoran chaparrel of Rhus laurina & ovata, Ceanothus crassifolius, Cercocarpus, Quercus dumosa, Rhamnos californicus, tarantella, & crocea, Adenostoma fasciculata etc. Could see several small groves of douglas spruce (macrocarpa) on N.E. slopes far above, but the heavy chaparrel runs to the top of the range.