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Just below the hotel the valley is dry  & sandy and Pierodipus and the cactus woodrat & Thoroup pallesceus are abundant, also Tepus audoboni
All of the Lower Sonoran plants of the interior valley country are common-Caetus, Boscharis vinivea & the leafless species, Eremoearpus setigerus & Croton Californica, Cueurbita foctodissius,Madia sleepus, Siniero doghasi, & Biauculla chrymanthus
Lower Sonoran runs up against the mountain, & on steep south slopes keeps out the dense chaparrel.  Oranges & lemons & palius do well, even when the lower ridge of chaperral is cleared out to make room for them--
   The hills east of the valley look bare and brown, but are really covered with a tangle of White & blue sage,, Erriogorum fasciculatum & Artesvisley california.  There are scattered bushes of Rhus trausiva and a few other bushes in the gulches and a trace of heavier chap[[strikethroug]]p[[/strikethrough]]arrel can be seen at the edge of cold slopes.  All but the high cold slopes of this low, rough plateau, a group of hills should be wapped[[?]] as lower Sonoran.  It is apparently used for stock range & bee pasture.