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[[underline]] July 27 &8    Elsinore.

At Elsinore the valley is open, with low hills on the east & the Santa Ana Mts.rising [[strikethrough]] abruptly [[/strikethrough]] from the west side of the lake.  The lake is 3 miles wide & 7 long, and is said to have risen 20 feet in the last 2 years. but is still 8 feet below the overflow level.
Much of the shore is flat & grassy and is used for pasture or hay.  There are few plants to indicate the zone, so I have mapped it as upper Sonoran.  Just back from the shore are abundance of Phicea borealis & Baechris vininea, also a few Baedaris emoryi, some Openitia aceidiutalis & berriardiva & Erenocarpus sitigerus & Croton Califronieus.  On the evidence of these and absence of Upper Sonoran species I have mapped the valley & foothills as Lower sonoran, including a foothill srirp along the west side of the lake below the chaparral that is largely cultivatd and occupied by Orange, lemon & olive groves.  In town pepper trees, Eucalyptus, Palius, oranges, olives, acacias and big agaves are common, but the crops out over the valley are mainly grain or hay