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Found snow banks at 1000 feet and above in many places to top of peak Counted 5 snowbanks on cold slope of Jean Peak and rode over one bank of old snow lower down at 9500 feet. There are no meadows or wet places above 9300 feet and the higher slopes are very dry, bare granite gravel which prevents the possibility of many Hudsonian plants. Pinus murryana and flexilies reach the peak but for the upper 500 feet are much dwarfed and often prostrate. Gnarled & twisted old trunks lie on the ground while the branches reach off from the wind.
   The view from the peak is superb, reaching from the ocean to the desert beyond the Salton Sea, from the San Bernardino range to peaks near the Mexican boundary.
   Returned to tent, set traps and got my supper & went to bed with plenty of blankets. 

Transcription Notes:
pinus murrayana and flexilis?