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Saw several marsh hawks in their usual pursuit. Saw a large flock of gulls in [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] one of the large fields on the ground and many more circling low over the fields. Ravens are common and many were seen on the ground out in the fields, chasing & eating mice. Magpies were common along fences, in cottonwoods & willows and out in the fields, sometimes following a plow or lighting down and hunting on their own account. Small birds are scarce, a few sparrows and Otocoris were heard. One shrike, that looked large and dark enough for [[underline]] borealis [[/underline]], was seen on the fence.

On returning to town I laid in a stock of poisons, cyanide, phosphorus, & arsenic, and wired for barum carbonate. I have plenty of strychnine.