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[[underline]] Nov. 8 [[/underline]]. Mr. Webb took me out to the Ranch to stay while doing my work on Microtus, and on the way out drove over another large ranch where they are poisoning with phosophorus. For several days men have been at work putting out the poisoned wheat and now the dead mice are scattered over the ground in thousands. Still there are many alive and many sick ones were seen, two stupid to run. In places I could pick up 10 or a dozen to a square rod lying on the surface while probably more were dead in the burrows. Still there were others alive, but these would probably get some of the remaining wheat.

The men told me they were putting about 16 bushels of wheat on this field of, I should guess, 40 acres. They were sowing it broadcast, in strips up & down the field, ^[[about]] as thick on the ground as if seeding.

The phosphorus is put up in 3 oz. bottles in a liquid preparation by the local druggist here and sold at 75ยข a bottle. One bottle is