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The pasture is located on top of the mesa between Joseph & the Quinola. It is probably above 5000 feet and mostly in Canadian zone. The warm slopes are covered with open woods of Pinus ponderosa, but the level & cold slopes are mostly a dense forest of Pinus murryana, Abis [[space]], Picea [[space]], Pseudotsuga, Aspens, alders & willows. There are some small meadows and some open dry patches but over half of the 4 section pasture is dense Canadian zone forest.

Much of the murry pine has been killed by the insects and 3 trees had recently fallen across the fence.

The work of clearing the way for the fence was enormous & expensive. A strip of about 20 feet was cut out & the stumps blasted out. In places the fallen trees lie 6 feet high in a tangle & these had to be chopped through as well as the standing timber. There is bound to be much trouble with falling trees.