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Country: Colombia




Transcription Notes:
It's difficult to make out the handwriting and it is in 19th century German; as a result, I was unable to decipher much for certain. I can make out 'S?d-Columbien' in the bottom left meaning south Colombia. Another clue Colombia is the correct country is that the stamp refers to Columbianae. I can further make out the word Santiago; unfortunately there are several places called Santiago in Colombia. The last line above the 1881-02-16 date possibly contains the name Pasto. Pasto is a town in southern Colombia. I left the Territory field blank because I am unsure whether the sample was collected in Pasto, which is in the Nari? Department of Colombia, or if it was collected in nearby Santiago, which is in the Putumayo Department, which borders on the Nari? Department.