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[[preprinted]] Saturday, Jan.3 , 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Herman came 8:30 Cleaned Storeroom & Kitchen. going to Filberty Maybe Heard about rumpus about chickens cellar garage etc. etc, etc. etc,[[underlined]] Oh Dear!!! [[/underlined]] H.A. left at noon Clarence has pain in chest & back. went to W.H.'s to see Sara & Carl & family enjoyed eve.

[[preprinted]] Sunday, Jan. 4 [[/preprinted]]

Home all day Intended to go up home but got word Gertrude, Perle and boys were coming. Had a nice time. Gwynn had a great time with boys Gwynn's kidneys are a little off. Must have him examined.

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[[preprinted]] Monday, Jan.5, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

arose at 7.00. Think I will go up home with C.A. and wash this eve. too rainy. H.A. is blue and I dont blame him. My ^[[husband's]] employer is criticizing my house-keeping. Ha How much I care. Had to go to sign up for Truck license.

[[preprinted]]  Tuesday , Jan. 6 [[/preprinted]]

Washed at Ruth's. Gwynn hurt his finger yesterday It is pretty sore Also has quite a cold wanted to take him to Dr but his father thinks it unnecessary. Sis wanted ^[[Gwynn]] to buy stocks and again his father refuses.