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[[preprinted]] Thursday, Jan. 15, 1931 [[/preprinted]]
Ironed, cleaned, kitchen. Boys hauled fodder & corn. almost Made Sis's kimono. Tried all day to churn.

[[preprinted]] Friday, Jan. 16 [[/preprinted]]

mail Route starts today I surely am glad. Must get busy I have oodles to do today.
Cleaned up & things

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[[preprinted]] Saturday, Jan. 17, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

*Baked a spice cake Folks got here about Eleven. Dad & Mama came We had dinner then went to camp and woods. talked over things

[[preprinted]] Sunday, Jan. 18 [[/preprinted]]

We accomplished more this time than ever But I don't know what to do about Ava she pretends to think so much of me and treats me like the deuce Tells Herman to ask me if Gwynn can come up why didn't she ask me.