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[[preprinted]] Friday, Jan. 23, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Ironed today not much of anthing else went with boys over to Mortimore after buzzsaw of Pattons. Clarence & Gwynn are going to Fibberty

[[preprinted]] Saturday, Jan. 24 [[/preprinted]]

Nice, Fair day Cleaned up house Strung 5 strands of beads.  Gwynn played out all day. going to  Fountain tonight. Saw the folks Rather cool whole bunch

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, Jan. 25, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Nice Day

Were invited to Uncle Harrys But Mother said there would be too many So we went to Harners Ruth asked us yesterday. Had a nice time

[[preprinted]] Monday, Jan. 26 [/[preprinted]]

Beautiful day washed. Came home and dried clothes Bought Brooder for $14 saved $3.50. quite tired in Evening went to Bed early.