Viewing page 14 of 98

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[[preprinted]] Thursday, Feb. 12, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Rained quite a bit - Cleaned living room. Boys worked in old yard.

[[preprinted]] Friday, Feb. 13 [[/preprinted]]

Still raining 
did not do much of anything 
Went to town 
Can't get stove fixed
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[[preprinted]] Saturday, Feb. 14, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Cleaned Kitchen
nothing else importnant
Herman hauled coal and had trouble with truck C J had to tow him home 
C.J. went to E. Liberty

[[preprinted]] Sunday, Feb. 15 [[/preprinted]]

Stayed home till 1:00
Then Clarence went up to find out about Buzz saw wanted $30. So he did not go on to see it. I stayed ^[[up]] home
Came home thought maybe Herman would come over but did not