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[[preprinted]] Friday, Feb. 20, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Cleaned Kitchen and did mending baked a cake. Boys hauled brick in drive. Gee! I sure hope we get our pay check we sure need it. It was due Thurs. 

[[preprinted]] Saturday, Feb. 21 [[/preprinted]]

Blue most of day. I thought sure we would be able to pay insurance but we must later. Quite spiteful thats all.

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, Feb. 22, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Pretty day. Have nothing particular to do.

Aunt Rosamond called and asked me to tell Lausons or Courters. I did. Then went up home. 

[[preprinted]] Monday, Feb. 23 [[/preprinted]]

Herrman went to Troit went to Harners to wash. Got word Aunt Ella H. was sick mama and I went to Grandmas. Heard Aunt Ella had died at 1:00 another home broken up. Carrie was so pretty I feel sorry she will have no home now.