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[[preprinted]] Friday, Mar. 20, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Ironed curtains made vegetable soup baked a cake, Harners were here for supper played a new game till 2.00

[[preprinted]] Saturday, Mar. 21 [[/preprinted]]

worked most of day H.A. went home at noon. We went up home and town Sat eve.

Broke Broke Broke

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, Mar. 22, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Dewey and family were here for Sun. dinner Had a lovely day Annabelle and Gwynn got along until they got tired & sleepy

[[preprinted]] Monday, Mar. 23 [[/preprinted]]

washed dried clothes saw smoke went up to field Boys were burning grass. I helped fight fire

Folded clothes