Viewing page 82 of 98

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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1931 [[red line across page]] [[/preprinted]]
Must iron.
Finished Ironing
rather a gloomy
Cut out house
dress and made

[[preprinted]] Thursday, Nov. 12 [[red line across page]] [[/preprinted]]
Swept Living room [[insert]] [[arrow image]] Friday [[/insert]] 
cut some quilt
blocks and
got some rags
ready for a rug.
want to go up
home this 
Went Harners in Eve.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] Friday, Nov. 13, 1931 [[red line across page]] [[/preprinted]]
made a dress
It rained quite
a bad day.
Did not get
much accomp..
lished. This is for Thursday I 
got the days mixed. Paid Chas Watkins
[[left margin]] calves brought 21.00 [[?]] 13 [[?]] 170 [[/left margin]]

[[preprinted]] Saturday, Nov. 14 [[red line across page]] [[/preprinted]]
worked in A.M. went to
funeral in P.M.
Gwynn and I took
Mama and Dad home 
and C.F. came up
in taxi. went to
town came home
early Harners
were up town and stopped