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Wednesday, January 6, 1932
6th Day   Epiphany   360 Days to come
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Rained all forenoon cleared in afternoon.
I did a little of everything today. I churned cleaned Living room and kitchen baked a cake besides other work. Gwynn has been terrible all day I helped Clarence milk this morn and while we were gone he went in guest room and raised window played in mud spilled it. on rug and smeared it into clean quilt. Oh dear !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thursday, January 7, 1932
7th Day   359 Days to come
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Pretty Day

Hurried around to go to aid meeting. I fixed the dish more. It took well Ava & mother came down we all had a nice time with exception of getting an office Clarence and Harner went to Lodge Ruth and Florence came over. We had supper here Dad and HA came down. Then folks went home and Ava Rith FA and I played pinochle Gwynn was so tired He had played so hard. He went to sleep in good time