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[[preprinted]] February 1933 Sat. 4 [/[preprinted]]

Bad Turned cold

Worked around here. Inteded to go to town but it go so cold we did not go.

[[preprinted]] Sun. 5 [[/preprinted]]

Still cold

We took in 2 jars to Mabel K.

Also went out home. Had a nice quiet day.

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[[preprinted]] 1933 February Mon. 6 [[/preprinted]]

Still cold.

I washed my [[old]] Georgette and made it over.

was to cold to do much.

C/F. went it and paid the taxes. Sure glad to get it done.

Dad M gav us a dollar toward Bread.

[[preprinted]] Tues. 7 [[/preprinted]]

Warmer Rained

Mama came out to wash Herman brought her He got corn.

Dried the clothes in the house.

It turned quite out cold in the eve.