Viewing page 22 of 96

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[[preprinted]] March 1933 Thurs. 16 [[/preprinted]]
Fair & cold.
CF. started to work.  we arose quite early.  I went out home then
Dad, Mama, Gwynn and I went down to Grandmas also went to Ruths to get water fountain she had borrowed. [[4 X underline]] mud [[/underline]] all kinds Ha!  Plenty of time of time for chicks Ha

[[preprinted]] Fri. 17 [[/preprinted]]
Went in town
Mabel did too we both wanted coal so we took both cars.
Trying to get ready for Chickens.
Krks were out in Evening

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[[preprinted]] 1933 March Sat. 18 [[/preprinted]]
worked around all day  Went in town with Kitchens in Eve.
Came home went to bed.

[[preprinted]] Sun. 19 [[/preprinted]]
went down to kitchens or dinner
Had a nice day
we all went out home in evening
learned some news not much.
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