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July 1933
Wed. 26

Went out home took Dad in town Then we went to Grandmas. [[Gah?]] got peeved because Grandma wanted up and I helped her. G gave gave Gwynn $2.00. Stopped at WH also Ranch. going to make Ice Cream at home. Borrowed Chuck's freezer

Thurs. 27

Dad, Mama, Gwynn and I went down to the Ranch for berries Did not get hardly any But learned some things.

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Spent $15.50 tires & Battery

1933 July
Fri. 28

I scrubbed cellar steps pantry and porches went to town in PM. Chuck put on tires for us. we decided to have supper together. Had a nice time. got home at 7:00

Sat. 29

worked around all day Mabel baked me an angel food cake for Ava's Birthday cake. went in town. girls got there about 600 Sis brought Gwynn a tam Inez brought a truck and candy