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[[preprinted]] November 1933 Sun. 19 [[/preprinted]]
Nice Day
we loafed around here until 1.30 and then went out home. brought some Ice Cream home with us Uncle Harrys were coming but had gone to Cleveland
Started Germania Tea

[[preprinted]] Mon. 20 [[/preprinted]]
Washed mothers and my wash Took out Butchering tools. brought the calf out for for beef. Herman came out and we went to Fred Kinneys Their boy fell and broke his neck.

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[[preprinted]] 1933   November Tues. 21 [[/preprinted]]
Went home to butcher.  Killed the big one then it rained us out So we made sausage and came home.

[[preprinted]] Wed. 22 [[/preprinted]]
Went out again and butchered the other two.  We bought half of one.  We got 19 lbs 5 oz So far

Transcription Notes:
"Germania tea" may possible mean chamomile tea? See