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Saturday, July 7, 1934
188th Day---177 Days To Follow
Worked all day even split wood to bake a cake. Did up other work baked pies. CF took cream in town. Got groceries.
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Sunday, July 8, 1934
189th Day---176 Days To Follow
Turning point in my life From now on I live for myself only. I have no love respect or anything else for Gwynn's father I am sorry but he turned me flat and I am thru. Our 10 [[appears to be overwritten with 11]] years of married life all for naught. Why o why did I do it? God Help me thru this time
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Transcription Notes:
Suddenly a very personal statement about trouble in her marriage. Comes out of the blue - she has just been talking about household chores and meeting friends and family up until now.