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February 4 ^[[Sat]]
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Still working with the paper.  It surely is nerve racking.  I am sick and tired but it will be nice when it is done.

February 5 ^[[Sun]]
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Dinner day  we are going to Dan & Helens. I am taking salad.  We had a lovely time   Clarence did chores.  Then in evening we went to Kitchens to practice for Grange.

[[preprinted]]  What know we greater than the soul?  On God and Godlike men we build our trust.   Alfred Tennyson

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February 6 ^[[Mon]]
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Still working with paper removing in dining room.  C.F. sold Dad some cows.  Dave hauled it.  Almost finished with the paper.

February 7 ^[[Tues]]
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Washing mine & Mama's   will finish and may get a few strips on today.  Want to go to Grange tho so will not get to work late.  Went to Grange. Clarence stayed with Richard.  He had a cold.  Had a nice time.

Sloth, like rust, consumers faster than labour wears.
Benjamin Franklin