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February 24 ^[[Fri]]
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Did not do much besides washing.  Fixed a box to take to the Live Wires box supper.  Had a nice time.  They had 12 boxes and they sold for $9.60.

February 25 ^[[Sat]]
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Baked, cleaned, ironed, bathed kids, etc.  Then loafed in P.M.  The folks were here awhile.  After they left Uncle Keller & Clarence & son came.  Gwynn went with them out home with them for supper.  

Ignorance of truth is the cause of all misery.

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February 26 ^[[Sun]]
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Not going to do much.  Going out home after dinner.  Want to see Olive too.

February 27 ^[[Mon]]
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Washed mine and mothers,  Mama and I went to see Huckleberry Finn.  Very good.

To err is human, to forgive divine.