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March 12 ^[[Sun]]
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One long year without Herman. We miss him so
I took Mama down to Devenes [[?]]to help get dinner for Bob Little & girls for Mabel's funeral  I went to the funeral. Mr. & Mrs. Costin and Mr & Mrs. McAdams and Aaron stopped awhile. Dave & Dad & Lloyd & Bob came over home last Eve. C.F. came out after us.

March 13 ^[[Mon]]
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Washed mine and mothers.  Dad & Cletus waited for theirs  Margaret went home with them.  I worked in the basement awhile.  Emptied 6 baskets of paper we had taken off   But did not feel equal to scrubbing.  Clarence & Gwynn went to see "Wings of the Navy"  ^[[Old man is going to deed the farm again,  Ha. ]]

They also serve who only stand and wait.
John Milton

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March 14 ^[[Tues]]
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Ironed  got thru in good time; Clarence plowed out home but he came in after us at noon.  Then on way home a wheel came off.  So I took Dad to the Cordreys sale.  I helped with the milking.  That guy with the Hawaiian Guitar was here until 10.00.

March 15 ^[[Wed]]
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Very dark & gloomy.  Wanted to sew but unless it gets a lot lighter I will not.  Did some mending.  We moved the refrigerator in Breakfast nook.

He who lives after nature, shall never be poor; after opinion, shall never be rich.