Viewing page 26 of 102

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[[preprinted]] March 24 [[/preprinted]] Fri
Still sewing.  Took the kids up town and go Margarets buttons for her coat.  Worked the buttonholes in the Eve.

[[preprinted]] March 25 [[/preprinted]] Sat
Washed then cleaned.  Mama came in and we went to Pomona Grange.

[[preprinted]] Wise men ne'er sit and wail their loss, But cheerily seek how to redress their harms.  William Shakespeare. [[/preprinted]]

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[[preprinted]] March 26 [[/preprinted]] Sun
[[image:  asterisk in circle]]
Went to Blue Jacket 25th Anniversary.  Had a nice time.  Went to Olive's in the evening the bunch were there had a great time altho it is not the same.

[[preprinted]] March 27 [[/preprinted]] Mon
Helped Ruth E.  Ruth D. and Janet Tucker get dinner for Dora E. Mothers funeral.  Came home went [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] out home to help move the stove on linoleum.  Went to Grange to help sing for the 1st & 2nd.

[[preprinted]] Brave men have dared to examine lies which had long been taught, not because they were free thinkers, but because they were such stern thinkers that the lie could no longer escape them.  Ruskin [[/preprinted]]