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[[preprinted]] May 23 [/preprinted]]  Tues

washed a big one  did up other worked and mended some.

[[preprinted]] May 24 [/preprinted]]  Wed

Made Margaret her yellow dress. cost .18 cents it is cute. Got my permanent. Went to Millers live wire party  had a nice time  Dick stayed out home.

[[preprinted]] Remember this,--that there is a proper dignity and proportion to be observed in the performance of every act of life.  Marcus Aurelius [/preprinted]]

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[[preprinted]] May 25 [/preprinted]]  Thurs

Am going to paper Mothers kitchen. Got the ceiling done and she decided to paint the rest.

[[preprinted]] May 26 [/preprinted]]  Fri

Did up work and washed. Then went to Club  Did very well for awhile. Then made some very low chores altho I did not get the booby Ha.

[[preprinted]] In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.  Lord Tennyson [/preprinted]]
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