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[[preprinted]]August 7[[/preprinted]] Mon.
Mabel & Homer married Washed mine and mothers I am doing chores out home too. Dad and Clarence went to Degraff to get Russel again. Went down to Harners in the evening. Ruth went to see Frank S amble

[[preprinted]]August 8[[/preprinted]] Tues.
Did chores and came home. They fixed our street. Am going to iron some want to get up town this P.M. to get a new corsellette. I got a new pair of white shoes too. Went to Grange Had a nice time.

[[preprinted]]He recked not of the life he lost nor prize, But where his rude hut by the Danube lay. Lord Byron[[/preprinted]]
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[[preprinted]]August 9[[/preprinted]] Wed
Helped CF. with chores. He finished the hay. Had Melvin Mr Adams for dinner. must get the dishes and ironing done this P.M. Clarence promised to help tomorrow.

[[preprinted]]August 10[[/preprinted]] Thurs.
Washed, cleaned up things. Ava & Gwynn are coming down tomorrow. C.F. went up town and got me new curtains for the kitchen. Red & white.

[[preprinted]]Self conquest is the greatest of victories. Plato[[/preprinted]]
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