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[[preprinted]]August 27[[/preprinted]] Sun.
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I fixed dinner here and got the kiddies off to Sunday School. Then we went out home and took their car and started to Springfield but we landed at Masts peach orchard We each got a bu. of white peaches. Russel was late so I milked out home.

[[preprinted]]August 28[[/preprinted]] Mon
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washed. lovely drying day So I also ironed had a fair washing too. Was busy all day sorted peaches but will not can them until tomorrow.

[[preprinted]]Observe good faith and justice toward all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Washington[[/preprinted]]
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[[preprinted]]August 29[[/preprinted]] Tues
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Am going to can the peaches today and sew. want to finish Martha Ellens dress. Hope my tomatoes come too. So I can get them canned as I want 50 qts anyway.

[[preprinted]]August 30[[/preprinted]] Wed.
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Did up work and canned some peaches. Took the calf to DeGraff
Dad, Gwynn and Milton went with me. Calf brought $12.09.

[[preprinted]]Praise from a friend, or censure from a foe, Are lost on hearers that our merits know. Homer[[/preprinted]]