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October 10 ^[[Tues]]
[[double line]]
Washed out there in A.M. then here in P.M. Went to Harners for his birthday Had a dandy time and lovely refreshments
October 11 ^[[Wed]]
[[double line]]
Did up work. Clarence shredded at Souths 72 shocks. So I did the chores. Then I got my hair waved went back after him
To wish is of little account; to succeed you must earnestly desire, 
and this desire must shorten thy sleep.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
October 12 ^[[Thurs]]
[[double line]]
Baked 3 pumpkin pies and 1 blackberry went to Aid at Altas Had a lovely time brought a bushel of apples for me and one for Mama.
October 13 ^[[Fri]]
[[double lne]]
Hurried all forenoon So I could go to club at Lakeview at Esters Had a nice time I got 2nd prize and Hattie 1st, Kids are out home.
Discretion of speech is more than eloquence.

Transcription Notes:
per instructions 'start page' is not required on beginning of first page and 'end page' not required at end of last page