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[[preprinted]]November 27[[/preprinted]] Mon
must wash, clean bathroom kitchen walls etc etc etc for Dinner Sun. Also Card Club Fri night and spend Wed in Columbus

[[preprinted]]November 28[[/preprinted]]Tues.
Ironed and worked like the dickens to do the work so I could go away tomorrow

[[preprinted]]For to cast away a virtuous friend, I call as bad as to cast away one's own life, which one loves best. Sophocles[[/preprinted]]
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[[preprinted]]November 29[[/preprinted]] Wed.
Did up some work was ready to go at 10:00 went with H. S. Hudsons to Columbus for Farm Bureau Convention. We had a wonderful day I enjoyed it very very much.

[[preprinted]]November 30[[/preprinted]] Thurs.
Have not done a whole lot of anything went to sleep this afternoon. Dad brought the kids in. Gratzs pd 1.00 Cost paid rent and Mr Jones paid $16.

[[preprinted]]Our country is that spot to which our heart is bound. Voltaire[[/preprinted]]
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